Over the past few years, I have been on a journey of personal development and growth. I have gained so much peace and clarity from working on my mental health, parenting, career prospects, friendships etc. I feel that I have reached a place of calm and order after spending years in stress and disorder.
One area of my life that I couldn't get a grasp of was my home. Hoarding often stems from other mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and PTSD. Over time I hoarded so many items from sentimental memorabilia to actual rubbish.
I really started to address this problem in lockdown 2020, when I was forced to stay in my home 24/7 and realised that it was bursting at the seams. I started bagging the easy to get rid of items such as rubbish and recycling and, once restrictions had eased, hired a waste removal company to collect around 30 bags of rubbish from my garden. Although that sounds like a lot, it hardly made a dint which gives you some idea of just how much junk was in our home.
From there, it became a lot more difficult. As someone who has lost a child, and experienced trauma with my children, I found it extremely difficult to let go of anything my children owned. It was impossible to differentiate between the special items and the ones that could go to charity, as every single item felt significant and special to me.
I spent a long, long time on my decluttering, minimalistic journey. I think it's vital to take your time and not make rushed decisions, because regret can lead to further hoarding and fear of getting rid of anything else.
Over time, I sifted through every single item in my home. There is not one cupboard or drawer that has not been emptied and studied in depth. I began this process with the easiest to let go of items such as books and home accessories, and ended with difficult items such as toys and sentimental pieces.
I would love to say I live in a minimal home, but that is not the case. I have two children and a love of clothes, so naturally we still have many things. However, every single item in this home is either needed or loved. There is nothing in the entire house that doesn't serve a purpose.
The result of this transformation has been incredible and further improved every area of my life. I am less stressed and more patient with my children, I am relaxed and can fully enjoy my downtime without being surrounded by mess, my children are happier and able to enjoy their things and find them easily, we can invite our friends to our house without fear of embarrassment and I am cooking a wider variety of meals for my children now that I am able to enjoy my kitchen. There are less clothes which means less washing, and less pots and pans which means less washing up. Everything we own is stream lined and all areas of the house are now functional and fit for purpose.
I have sorted through endless clothes, shoes, bags, toys, books, home accessories, electricals etc. I have reduced our possessions by approximately 75%. I can now move through my house with ease. My brain is no longer cluttered with household to do lists and cleaning jobs. I can relax in my home without chaos surrounding me. My house is now a calm space which we can fully enjoy and appreciate.
If you are looking to do the same, and don't know where to begin, here are my top 5 tips;
Sort your possessions into categories. If there is not enough space to physically sort, then mentally sort out which categories need tackling.
Start with the easiest category. For many this is books. This will give you an easy area to begin with and, as they are bulky and take up space, you will see an instant improvement.
Sort into four piles- Rubbish, recycling, donate and sell.
Get everything out of your house as soon as possible. Rubbish and recycling to the bins as soon as the task is completed and donations to the charity shop. If you can see a difference in your space, it will encourage you to keep going and give you the motivation to succeed.
Set a deadline for items to sell on marketplace/vinted/ebay etc. If they are not gone within a certain time frame (ie. 2 weeks), consider donating instead. It's hard knowing that you are losing money, but the space you gain from that item finally leaving your home could be worth the loss.
Most importantly, be kind to yourself and don't rush the process. It took years to accumulate these belongings, so you can't expect it to be sorted in a day. Don't be discouraged. Day by day, you are create a better environment for yourself and allowing yourself to be physically and mentally clutter free. Keep going!